National Postal Mail Handler Union, Local 320
Implementation Dates for the 2022 National Agreement
Implementation Dates for the 2022 National Agreement (pdf)
Dear Sisters and Brothers:
The following are the implementation dates for various sections of the 2022 National Agreement.
Non-Economic Issues/Work Rules – April 8, 2023
One Time Conversions for MHAs in 200 work year offices with a relative standing date prior to 2.5 years from the ratification date (March 13, 2023) of the 2022 National Agreement – May 6, 2023
New wage rate which will reflect the November 2022 general wage increase and the March 2023 COLA – PP09-2023 (04/08/2023).
Date of new Step B for MHAs – PP14-2023 (06/17/2023)
Date of Elimination of Step BB – PP14-2023 (06/17/2023).
Date that step waiting period will be changed to 48 weeks – PP14-2023 (06/17/2023).
MHA Automatic Conversions/Step Changes/Employee Classification of MHAs in 200 work year offices who have reached 24 months of relative standing – PP14-2023 (06/17/2023).
Date of Advanced Annual leave for eligible MHAs and PTFs – PP 14- 2023 (06/17/2023)
Retro Pay – Pay Period 19, check dated 9/15/2023
Clothing Allotment Carryover – Is still to be determined
Should you have any questions contact the Contract Administration Department.
Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) set at $208
Effective November 19, 2022, Pay Period 25-2022 (and retroactively applicable)— For career mail handlers, the basic annual salary for each grade and step of Table One and Table Two shall be increased by an amount equal to 1.3% of the basic annual salary for the grade and step in effect on September 20, 2022. This is the first of three-scheduled general wage increases as outlined in the 2022 National Agreement. In addition to the general increases provided in Section 9.1, wage schedule RSC M reflects an additional 1% increase for steps AA-A and 1.3% increase effective November 19, 2022 (PP25-2022) for all other steps. Lastly, MHAs will receive a 2.3% general increase and a $0.50 wage adjustment effective November 19, 2022 (PP25-2022)
Cost of Living Increase and Wage Chart Effective March 11. 2023 (Pay Period 07-2023)
General Wage Increase and Wage Chart Effective November 19. 2022 (Pay Period 25-2022)

The terms of the 2022 National Agreement between the NPMHU and the U.S. Postal Service were officially ratified on March 13, 2023. The certified results show that over 84% of the membership approved the new contract, with the final vote tally at 6,617 in favor of ratification and 1,237 in opposition to ratification.
Further details about the implementation of the 2022 National Agreement will be provided to Local Union officers and representatives in the coming weeks. All members are encouraged to retain and utilize their copy of the ratification booklet until National Agreements are printed and distributed.
Arizona RPDC (Avondale)

Jan 12, USPS Issues Additional Guidance re: PostalEase and LiteBlue
December Non-Choice Leave
Feb 10, PostalEase Transactions Reactivated
Dear Sisters and Brothers:
Please find attached a copy of the above-reference Mandatory Stand-Up Talk. Due to the successful addition of the multifactor authentication for LiteBlue, the Postal Service has reactivated the ability for employees to change their net to bank and allotment through PostalEase.
Please disseminate this information as you deem appropriate. Should you have any questions contact the Contract Administration Department.
Re: Mandatory Stand-Up Talk – PostalEase Transactions Reactivated (pdf)
Jan 20, Fraud Alert Update
The LiteBlue and PostalEASE applications have not been compromised. A limited number of employees have reported unusual account activity involving their PostalEASE accounts, which has been attributed to their prior interaction with the fake LiteBlue websites.
As an additional precaution, the Net to Bank and Allotment functionalities have been disabled online in the PostalEASE application accessed externally through LiteBlue via a personal computer as of Dec. 29, 2022, until further notice.
Fraud Alert Update Stand-Up Talk 12/30/2022 (pdf)
Payroll Deductions Update Stand-Up Talk 1/20/2023 (pdf)
Jan 14, Multifactor Authentication Now Required for LiteBlue Access
Jan 12, USPS Issues Additional Guidance re: PostalEase and LiteBlue
Dec 23, USPS Issues Employee Communications Update Regarding PostalEASE Website Fraud
* * * Urgent Message * * *
Please see the latest information that we just received regarding the PostalEase website fraud.
FRAUD ALERT ** Postal Service Releases Mandatory Stand-Up Talk Regarding Fake LiteBlue Websites (pdf)
Securing Your Personal Data Employee Mailer (pdf) – Letter to be sent to all postal employees making them aware of the potential risk.
Keeping Your Private Information Secure Employee Handout (pdf) – Handout to be included in letter to all employees to provide examples of fake sites and steps on how to update personal contact information.
PostalEASE Website Fraud: Impacted Employee Notification (pdf)– Letter to be sent to only impacted employees notifying them of their situation and share information and next steps.